DANIELE CONDORELLI (Email) (Google Scholar Profile)

Ph.D. University College London, 2010

Department of Economics, University of Warwick

Interests: Microeconomic Theory, Mechanism and Information Design, Networks



Deep Learning to Play Games  (with Massimiliano Furlan) -  NEW  [abstract] [bibtex]

Cheap Talking Algorithms  (with Massimiliano Furlan) - Submitted   [abstract] [bibtex]

Buyer Power and Entry in Bidding Markets  (with Jorge Padilla) - Submitted   [abstract] [bibtex]

Buyer-Optimal Platform Design  (with Balazs Szentes) - R&R Rand Journal of Economics  [abstract] [bibtex]

On the Efficiency of Large Resale Networks  (with Andrea Galeotti and Ludovic Renou) - Being revised   [abstract] [bibtex]



Vertical Mergers in Ecosystems with Consumer Hold-up  (with Jorge Padilla and Youngji Sohn)
Journal of Industrial Economics (2024)  
[abstract] [bibtex]

Data-driven Envelopment with Privacy-Policy Tying  (with Jorge Padilla)
The Economic Journal (2024)   
[abstract] [bibtex]

A lower-bound on monopoly profit for log-concave demand
Economic Letters (2022)   
[abstract] [bibtex]

Surplus Bounds in Cournot Competition (with Balazs Szentes)
Theoretical Economics (2022) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Information Design in the Hold-up Problem (with Balazs Szentes)
Journal of Political Economy (2020) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Weak Cartels and Collusion-proof Auctions (with Yeon-Koo Che and Jinwoo Kim)
Journal of Economic Theory (2018) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Selling Through Referrals (with Andrea Galeotti and Vasiliki Skreta)
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (2018) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Bilateral Trading in Networks (with Andrea Galeotti and Ludovic Renou)
Review of Economic Studies (2017) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Market and Non-Market Mechanisms for the Allocation of Scarce Resources
Games and Economic Behavior (2013) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

What money can't buy: efficient mechanism design with costly signals
Games and Economic Behavior (2012) 
[abstract] [bibtex]



Harnessing Platform Envelopment in the Digital World  (with Jorge Padilla)
Journal of Competition Law and Economics (2020) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Strategic Models of Intermediation Networks (with Andrea Galeotti)
The Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks (2016) 
[abstract] [bibtex]

Familismo Amorale: alcune considerazioni sul libro di E.C Banfield
NoiseFromAmerika (2010)

Efficient and Equitable Airport Slot Allocation
Rivista di Politica Economica (2007) 
[abstract] [bibtex]



A Model of Dealer Networks (with Andrea Galeotti and Ludovic Renou)  

Endogenous Trading Networks (with Andrea Galeotti)

Centrality-based aggregate ratings in two-sided markets 

Robustness of Dominant Strategy Equilibria to Collusion in Undominated Actions (with Yeon-Koo Che and Jinwoo Kim)



Economics and Computer Science Seminar Series 18/19 (organized with Carmine Ventre from EECS Essex)